Dream- A - Feasting

Quiz Answers

What are you learning about yourself?

Add up your score based on how many A, B and Cs you have:




Which letter do you have the most of?

If you got mostly A’s, you are a MANIFESTOR.

If you got mostly B’s, you are a WOMANIFESTOR.

If you got mostly C’s, you are a DREAMAFESTOR.

Read the description below of the type in which you scored highest. If you scored high in another type, read its description as well. Also, read the type you rated lowest in to gain a greater understanding of your shadow and the people in your life who are wired differently from you.

If you got mostly A's, you are a Manifestor.


The Blessing:

You’re a go-getter who seeks to maximize your time and energy and don't feel you have a second to lose. You work hard, play hard, and expect others to keep up. You value tangible results and don’t put up with excuses, yours or anyone else’s. You’ve earned the respect you receive from your tribe and the world at large because, when times are hard, you’re the one they count on to save the day. You are known for rolling up your sleeves, putting on your Superhero cape, and accomplishing the seemingly impossible.

The Challenge:

Since you are so great at moving mountains, people often rely on you to carry them and fix their lives. You wonder if your only value is in what you provide, not in who you are. This gets reinforced because the moment you pull one rabbit out of a hat, you and others expect those bunnies to keep multiplying bigger, better, and faster. This often leaves you feeling overworked, unappreciated, and burned out. When misunderstood, you get accused (by the very people you seek to help) of being a pushy, arrogant, unrelenting task-master (ouch!). People sometimes feel overwhelmed, stressed out, and judged by you when they fail to keep up, or when they can’t live up to your vision of how their lives should look.

The Opportunity:

As impossible as it might seem, your next level of advancement lies not in “doing” more but “being” more. When you stop being a human octopus, you’ll give others the space to discover their own resourcefulness. Your dreams can help you do this. Because you are a pragmatist, you’ll be inspired to note that some of the most productive contributors to science, industry, and the arts leaned heavily on the wisdom, guidance, and alchemy of their dreams. You’ll also be encouraged by the science that proves that people who remember at least one dream a day navigate their waking lives more intuitively and efficiently. From this perspective, you can see that paying attention to your dreams, for even just five minutes a day, will make you an even better manifestor.


If you got mostly Bs, you are a Womanifestor.


The Blessing:

You are like the Taoists who say, “Do less, accomplish more. Take it to an extreme, do nothing, accomplish everything.” You are an excellent allower and a generous receiver. In fact, you attract and magnetize blessings. Believing life should be pleasurable, you “work to live” rather than “live to work.” You prescribe to the Law of Least Effort, so, when given the choice between the hard way or the easy way, you’ll take the most restful route. You’ve designed your day around taking care of your needs. Sleep and dreams are included in your regimen.

The Challenge:

In order for your life to function, you may find yourself relying heavily on the support of a certain person or people. But when they fail to meet your needs, you might become angry, depressed, or weaponized with tears and righteous entitlement. You sometimes feel helpless, like a damsel in distress, crying into a hanky you drop in front of the person you think should do your bidding. This feels undignified to you, and yet you struggle to find ways or the energy within yourself to change your circumstances.     

If you have a great ambition, take as big a step as possible in the direction of fulfilling it. The step may only be a tiny one, but trust that it may be the largest one possible for now.

~Mildred Mcafee

The Opportunity:

Leveraging the fact that you’re already deeply connected to your sensitivity, subconscious, and dreams, the level-up for you is to go from having a relatively passive relationship with dreams to becoming more deliberate. By taking a few extra minutes to turn up the dial of your active participation in the wisdom of your dreams, you’ll find yourself more often in the right place, at the right time, with the right people, doing the right thing… for you. Your elevated opportunity isn’t to change you into someone you’re not, but to play the part you are here to play with gusto.

You don’t have a right to the cards you believe you should have been dealt. You have an obligation to play the hell out of the ones you’re holding. – Cheryl Strayed


If you got mostly Cs, you are a Dreamafestor.


The Blessing:

You’re in a healthy relationship with your soul and the Universe, via your connection to dreams. As a bridge between worlds, there is no limit to what you are capable of doing, being, and creating. You contain the best of manifesting and womanifesting, woven together with your connection to the Divine. You are grounded yet receptive, brimming and overflowing with higher guidance from the wisdom of your dreaming mind. Standing in the sweet spot of heaven on earth, this is where you receive spiritual insights that lead to earth-based action. Magic happens through you that creates a win/win blessing for all involved.

The Challenge:

Because you’re human, you’re going to encounter obstacles along your journey. However, because you are committed to alchemizing life’s difficulties into golden insights, it seems (maybe to others) that you’re immune. There are not a lot of people like you, which might leave you feeling like an alien. People might judge you for being holier-than-thou or unrelatable because you don’t tend to join them in their pity parties. It’s hard to see the people you love struggling, when you sense so clearly how they could create a more empowered, pleasurable life experience; yet you cannot do it for them.

Lighthouses don’t go running all over an island looking for boats to save. They just stand there shining. ~Anne Lamott

The Opportunity:

As a lighthouse, your life and your dreams can now beam light upon a troubled world. Since you're already proficient at Dreamafesting for yourself, and the oxygen mask is firmly attached, it might be time to explore Dreamafesting on behalf of your family, community, and the world at large. This is not to say you are responsible for doing people’s lives for them. It simply means, from a quantum physics perspective, you are connected to everyone. When you lay in bed, you dedicate your dreaming to uplifting all of life, because you can. This is the true secret to Success (with a capital S).

We but mirror the world. All the tendencies present in the outer world are to be found in the world of our body. If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. This is the divine mystery supreme. A wonderful thing it is and the source of our happiness. We need not wait to see what others do. ~ Mahatma Gandhi

Life can be difficult, easy, clunky or graceful, it’s up to you. From a manifesting perspective, you can develop the muscle to push boulders uphill, backward, and blindfolded. You can also cry until your inner river runs dry about the chances you never took and the opportunities you didn’t claim because you made little effort to put yourself in the way of grace.

Or you can awaken in the morning, drenched in a dream, coated in higher awareness, fortified with guidance directing you where to go, who to talk to, when to turn right or left, or when to stay put.

When you proceed throughout your day, with at least a pinky toe in the stream of your dream, you become inoculated against the seduction of your ego’s unnecessary turbulence. You instead, seemingly by accident, find yourself shoring up amid circumstances more fortuitous than you and your will could ever mastermind. 

Discover the secret to becoming a better Dreamafestor, go to: Dreamfesting Live