😳 Here’s my first interview about my new book…and the dream that followed.

Holy LORD!,

I just did my first radio interview about my new book, Crisis Is a Terrible Thing to Waste, with Melissa Caprio from Postcards to the Universe on Om Times.

It was exhilarating—yet, I must say, I feel a little naked...actually a lot naked...in a good way and also in a vulnerable way. 

One of the first questions she asked about was for me to read my, “Nitty, Gritty, Shitty List,” from the intro of my book--which is a very long confessional of all the worst moments of my life—that ultimately have led to the best things.

It's amazing the effects of shame and how the ego wants to protect and hide and keep those stories under lock and key. My ego is quivering, yelling, “What are you doing, wearing this on your sleeve? Are you crazy? These are the things I've been trying to hide from the world your whole life.”

My higher-self responds, “How else can we be free if we don't love the most unlovable parts of ourselves. We’ve been expecting others to love for us what we, ourselves, have been unwilling to love … and how’s that workin’ for us? 

Real love (and intimacy) can only happen when there are no secrets or masks, and all the skeletons are dancing in the sunlight of our awareness.”

The dream I had last night was about me taking out the trash—a trash bag the size of a room! Aspen Matis, my writing mentor was guiding me, step by step toward where to put it. I wanted to drop it in a dark corner of the garage—but she said, "f you do that there will be no room in the garage for the cars to move." She insisted it should go outside.

“Outside?” I protested, “But it’s dark and scary out there?!?”

Aspen just smiled and kept encouraging me to “take it to the streets.”

So, I did…and I didn’t die.

I shared this dream with my dear friend, Corrina, who asked me to practice what I preach, and pick the dream up where it left off, in my waking state.

Back in the dream, in the spirit of a Christmas Miracle, I envisioned the trash bag transforming into Santa’s sack full of gifts—and there was one for everyone who passed by.

She encouraged me to envision carrying this bag (formerly trash—full of my secrets I used to want to hide) had become gifts, that I could carry to Barnes & Noble at the Grove—for my first in-person book event (January 15th).

Ahhhh… I love it when the people in my life I’ve taught my method of dreamwork, give it back to me.

Writing these stories has been one level of healing…now that the book is coming out, I’m discovering that sharing them is a whole new level of alchemy.

I'm grateful for you-- for being with me on this journey. May this book (and this, my first radio interview) inspires you to look at your “trash” (shame secrets) as gifts in disguise.


And, now, if you want to catch me on my 2nd interview, Please join me on Inner Vision, at 1:00 pm on Friday on KPFK Los Angeles 90.7 FM, 98.7 FM in Santa Barbara or streaming live on the web at www.KPFK.org


I'm Kelly and I'm a Heroine Addict: 🙈 Why I Get my Fix from Fixing others


A Winter Solstice / Christmas 🎄Miracle 🙌.