Do you have Angelic Intelligence?

What is Angelic Intelligence and how can you get (more of) it?

In recent decades, millions of people have become attracted to positive thinking, affirmations, visualization, and related tools to change their lives and vibration. What most of them are not aware of is, that in a world parallel to our own, light beings actively seek to assist our empowerment.

Crystal Pomeroy has been working intensively as a healer and teaching metaphysics for more than twenty years. She’s a radio and television host and contributes tips on angels, healing, astrology, rituals, and prosperity for newspapers and magazines. Crystal’s new book Angels and Goddesses, Manifest your Desires with Angelic Intelligence (Llewellyn 2022) is packed with hundreds of affirmations, invocations, and original tips for connecting with light beings and precipitating your powers of manifestation.

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am pst.


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Discover your God Spot, where a cell of the Divine resides inside your body.