Are the animals in our dreams, dreaming about us?


Over many years, animal communicator Dawn Baumann Brunke dreamed of polar bears. One night, a lucid dream triggered the realization that not only was she dreaming of a living polar bear but also that the polar bear was dreaming of her!

Through shared dream encounters, Brunke became adept at connecting with the bear while asleep and awake. Together, they explored nonphysical locales where lucid dreamers meet to join in consciousness and co-dream together... and she'll share about how you can attempt this too!

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am pst.

Enjoy your Luminous Humanness Inspiration for the Day:

YOU ARE INTACT - There is a part of you that has never been touched by the drama of the world. No matter what you’ve been through, you can call on your true nature — the you that has never been bruised, tarnished, or even ruffled by harshness. The more you remember and access this, the more your center grows to become your circumference.

AFFIRMATION: The true me is the part that has never been hurt. The rest is my story.


Good news, bad news re: Luminous Humanness Meditations App! 😜


Luminous Humanness Meditations App is here! 🙌