Does dreaming about someone mean they are they thinking about you? 😳👀😁


One of the reasons I became fascinated by dreams at an early age is because of shared dreamexperiences with my younger sister as little girls, and still to this day.

I consider myself lucky because I had a partner in dreams to confirm details of the dream location and characters to know tandem dreaming is real...and it can create and strengthen psychic bonds.

In my experience in having worked hundreds of dreamers and thousands of dreams over the past 20 years, it seems the tell-tale sign that your dream about someone else may mean that person is also sharing the same dreamscape with you is VIVIDNESS...vividness of color, feeling, specificity, and peculiarity.

If you aren’t able to confirm your dream with your dream co-starthen and ask yourself what this person represents to you (in three words or adjectives.)

Stream of consciousness journal in your diary what you believe their message to you might have been (since you are the director, or at least the co-director of your dream, you have the authority to fill in these blanks).

Sometimes confirmation that you, indeed, shared a dream with someone else, takes time. In the meantime, here's what I know:

  • This phenomenon is real

  • When confirmation takes place, in the 3-D waking world, it can be life-changing

  • When this happens to you, mine the gold from the experience by asking yourself:

· Why this dream?

· Why this person?

· Why now?

· What can I do to honor this dream/synchronicity?

We’ll explore more about TANDEM DREAMING on the show TODAY...

What did you dream about last night?

Call into the Ask Dr. Dream Show for a personal dream reflection!

816-251-3555 - Today! 10-11 am pst.


After the show, head over to Clubhouse and be a part of my MAIDEN VOYAGE as I host my first Clubhouse Dream Q&A TODAY!

Join Nancy T, Debbie Spector Weisman and me at 11am pst on Clubhouse


Every saint has a past, every sinner has a future.


Energy Healing for Empaths 😳