Drumroll please…Ta da…the cover reveal of my new book! 😜

I’m not the type to wear my pain on my sleeve, which is why, in all my previous books and oracle decks, I’ve written from a place of authority, as a dream expert.

I’m proud of those books, don’t get me wrong. It’s just that I’ve discovered lately people seem to get more value when I reveal my “tragic to magic” stories than when I just skip to the “magic.”

It seems it's more relatable...and even empowering when I let people in on how I nearly drowned in the mud of victimhood (over and over and over) and eventually found my way to the light (go figure!)

In other words, if you’re familiar with my work, you’ll notice this book is different from the others (even just from the cover.)

The collection of true stories from my life all feature some measure of small and large crises—shining a light on my flaws, insecurities, embarrassing and oh-so naive moments.

The book comes out next Spring (with Beyond Words—the publishers that brought us The Secret, Notes From The Universe, and Masaru Emoto's Hidden Messages of Water) and it goes on presale next month (along with beaucoup bonus gifts, that I’ll let you know about soon).

I just couldn’t wait to share what’s up my muddy sleeves.

In the meantime, I hope the title of this book (and its contents at some point soon), inspires you to look for and find the gold amid any and all challenges you face.

I’ll bid you adieu with my favorite Joseph Campbell quote:

It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life. Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.

Oh yes...the cover...drumroll please...here it is... lmk what you think :)


Learn how to use dream memories for adventures in shamanic dreaming 🙌


Join me live this Sunday (7-10pm) in a lucid dreaming experience in a 360 immersive dome! 👀