Exciting news-wanted you to hear it first 🎙️💃
Anatomy of Friendship, the Podcast, has been nominated for a woman in Podcasting Award, and I/we need your help!
You may be scratching your head, saying, “WTF is Anatomy of Friendship? And what does it have to do with dreams—which is primarily why I’m on your mailing list in the first place???”
Forgive me for doing the dream thing, where I’m jumping around out of order. Let me fill in the gaps…
About a year ago, my dear friend Jo-e Sutton and I were talking about ghosting—when you feel safe enough to drop your guard and reveal yourself to a friend or a lover, only to have them slip away without a trace. It’s one of the most excruciatingly painful things that can happen to a tender soul. We shared about how we’d been on both sides of this phenomenon—and how it SUCKS for both people.
They, by contrast, extrapolated what we imagined would prevent such a thing from happening. In the end, using our 25-year friendship as a ginnypig, we identified the “FRIENDSHIP Formula.” The FRIENDSHIP formula includes our top 10 tools, rules, and jewels that we believe will send the ghosting phenomenon to its grave via the proper burial it’s been looking for in all the wrong places.
And I'm so excited to announce we’ve just dropped our first season of :
If this piques your interest, we have a few requests:
1. Go to our webpage and fill out the form to receive our FREE gift (that way you can receive updates about our show-like when Season Two comes out...soon).
2. Follow us on Social Media & watch our short videos: 📸 Instagram • ⏰TikTok • 🥰Facebook • X
3. Subscribe to the show on YouTube or 🎙️Spotify or 🍎Apple
4. This is the BIG ASK—Please vote for us for the Women In Podcasting Award