Finding Magic Amid the Tragic-The Dream Conclusion to our Search for Satya 👀


Stop! Before you listen to the show today, make sure you listen to last week's episode... For today's show...

Out of seeming nowhere, after what we thought was the final episode of Searching for Satya: the Girl with the Blue Ukulele, Elias Lonsdale (spiritual guide/astrologer) reaches out to share a vivid dream…with information in it that seals the deal and gives Sharon the closure she’s been searching for to find peace with the disappearance of her daughter. Check out Elias' latest book!

Series Description:

Nine years ago, a 29-year-young woman named Tess Lerner went missing, from Topanga, CA (my neighborhood) and her familyhasn't seen or heard from her since…except the rumor that she changed her name to SATYA (which means Truth in Sanskrit). Her car was found abandoned, with all her worldly belongings intact (cell phone, checkbook, keys, and clothes), everything except her favorite possession...her blue ukulele.

Detectives and psychics have been on the case, to no avail. On the show, I'll interviews Satya’s mother, Sharon, in hopes of inspiring dreamers to incubate a dream with the question:

“Where’s Satya, girl with the BLUE ukulele?”

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am PST.

Enjoy your Luminous Humanness Inspiration for the Day:

Drop Your Cape


It’s not your job to be Superman, Wonder Woman, or anyone’s fixer, even for your family — as helpless as they may sometimes seem. Starting now, see the people in your life through the lens of being whole, perfect, and complete, finding their own way in their own time. Offer support from the sidelines as you hold a vision of their greatest self emerging and giving them the dignity of their own process and choices. See them as the caterpillar struggling to build the muscle to pull their wet wings from their cocoon. They need to find their own will to fly without you doing it for them. And they will, eventually (whether in this lifetime or the next), if you let them.

AFFIRMATION: I drop my superhero cape and have faith in my loved one’s abilities to find their way.

If you like today's inspiration, click here to purchase your copy of the Luminous Humanness, or forward this to a friend who needs a boost :)


Understanding the Girl with the blue ukulele, with Aspen Matis 💙


So many plot twists, such little she alive or...