How can we communicate more fluently with our loved ones on the other side? 🙌


Don't you wish you could just pick up the phone and call the people on the other side that you miss when you want (or need) to hear from them?

What if that was totally possible (ok, not the phone part)?

What if the ball is in OUR court, not theirs?

We're not enjoying the depth and richness of communication we wish we had, not because they are aloof and hard to reach...but because we are.

Psychic medium, Mark Anthony, will take us on the bridge between science and spirituality, to a place he calls, The Afterlife Frequency.

He’ll introduce what he calls the electromagnetic soul (EMS) to explain how we can more fluently communicate with our loved ones on the other side, when lower vibrational frequency of the electromagnetic soul touches the higher vibration of the afterlife frequency.

He’ll also share his four-step RAFT Technique, which teaches how to

  • Recognize spirit contact,

  • Accept it as real,

  • Feel it without fear, and

  • Trust the message.

If you’re coping with grief, PTSD, and/or survivor’s guilt, Mark will help you gain the guidance you need to receive the communication you need to feel loved, guided, and protected in the world.

And...on the 2nd half of this show, as always, it will be all about your dreams, questions, and comments. the number to call is: 816-251-3555

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am PST.


Live-Be yourself! Everyone else is taken 😍


❤️Libras-don't you?