Isn't it time you wrote your book? 📕Stop dreaming & Get er Done! 🎉

Can you feel it?

Have you been dreaming about it?

There you are, with your name bright up in are signing books for your raving fans whose lives have been changed by your words, your stories, your insights...YOUR BOOK!


The best things in life all start with a dream.

And there's a time to dream...and a time to GET 'ER DONE (as Larry the Cable guy says).

It’s gettin’ close to book writing time!

We start in just over two weeks!

Get ‘er Done—the Author’s Journey!

The next Get ‘er Done Author’s Journey begins:

-Tuesday, September 6th, 2022

-4:00 to 6:00 PM Pacific Time (7-9 pm EST)

We’ll meet weekly (with a few exceptions) at this day and time for the next 9 months, because…

A page a day= a book a year!

We have a wonderful group assembled and I hope you and your book will be a part of it!

Here’s the link:

If you have questions, don't hesitate to ask.

You may have already seen my video...but just in case, consider this your personal invitation:

It's astounding to, despite all my fears, insecurities, and voices of doubt in my head, I've found my way to becoming a published author...and a bestselling one at that.

It was always a dream of I thought would never come true...but it has, 10 times over.

I've never been good at holding (my own) secrets...and this is no different. I've figured out how the formula for getting books written …and I can’t wait to share it with you!

How it Works:

When: Starting Tuesday, Sept 6, 2022-May 9th, 2023.

We meet as a group via zoom, once a week on Tuesdays, for two hours over the course of nine months (with holidays and a few other days off).

Your job is to write:

  • 1 page a day

  • for 9 months

  • = 270 pages


Picture yourself…

  • It’s 9-months from now…you’ve just typed the words “The End.”

  • Your manuscript is done.

  • You hear a choir of angels sing, the Champaign bottles popping their corks, and you get up from your desk and start doing the happy dance to James Brown’s I Feel Good!

  • You did it!

  • You’ve just accomplished the thing that millions…maybe billions of people say they want to do in their lifetime, but never do…you just finished your manuscript

  • You got ‘er done!

The story you are writing exists, written in absolutely perfect fashion, someplace, in the air. All you must do is find it and copy it." - Jules Renard


The Queen's 👑 code with Alison Armstrong 👸🏻


Stop 🛑 relying on others to tell you what to do! Time to grow your own psychic gifts!