It's 2022, and it's time time to wake up to the power of your dreams.

It's a new year and your dreams are working overtime to awaken you so you can make it your best year yet!

Join Nancy T and I on my first "Ask Doctor Dream" show of the New Year, as we explore your dreams...

Join us on FACEBOOK LIVE to see all the misadventures behind the scenes!

...And I can't wait to share with you about my new class with The Shift Network: The Way of the Awakened Dreamer: 7 Dreamwork Practices to Reinvigorate Your Life & Realign with Your Soul’s Wildness.

In this class, you’ll dream to awaken your authentic self and the inner wildness that you entered the world with… for a life of divine inspiration, empowered intention, and unabashed freedom. Join me!


Do you have to be a lucid dreamer to re-enter your dream? 😵


Let your dreams prepare you for flight in 2022 (Video)