Join the Dreamwork Summit: April 18- April 22

Have you been experiencing more intense, vivid, or wondrous dreams lately?

It's an unprecedented time for dreaming, and there’s a collective shift toward looking at dreamwork differently.

Dreamwork explores how to tap into the intelligence of your subconscious, harness that wisdom, and apply it in practical ways.

While you may spend one-third of your life asleep, dreamwork can awaken your courage and creative potential.

The Dreamwork Summit will highlight previously unknown techniques on how to clarify your core desires and manifest those desires in your daily life.

As you may have heard me share, I had the honor of co-hosting this event-and the experts I interviewed will show you how to communicate with departed loved one, heal emotional trauma, and wake up without leaving the dreamworld behind.

During this 5-day free online event, you'll also encounter active dreaming practices that explore the further reaches of dreaming, such as exploring parallel lives, increasing awareness of future events, and time-traveling in the multiverse.

Free Online Event

Dreamwork Summit

April 18 — 22, 2022

Learn from more than 40 of today’s leading master dream teachers, psychology professionals, and celebrated authors — including Robert Moss, Don Alejandro Apaza, Sandra Ingerman, Dr. Clare Johnson, Dinesh Ghodke, Robert Hoss, and Khurshed Batliwala.

During this groundbreaking 5-day event, you’ll:

  • Connect to your spirit guides and the spiritual dimension through lucid dreaming

  • Practice identifying and accessing psychic dreams and precognitive states

  • Understand how Jungian analysts and psychiatrists approach dreamwork and psychic elements in dreams

  • Discover why after-death-communication experiences (ADCs) are a natural part of grieving

  • Animate a living image of your nightmares through Dream Tending to heal trauma

  • Take a shamanic journey to deepen your understanding on different kinds of dreams and see into the future

  • Engage in Indigenous dream practices to create a new blueprint for your reality

  • Apply methods for inducing lucid dreaming and find safety in lucid nightmares

  • Explore European bee shamanism to create profound changes in your life that are aligned with nature

  • And much more…

RSVP here for the Dreamwork Summit — at no charge.

Dreamwork is an invitation to gently uncover your psyche’s rich repository of symbols, colors, sensations, and images… and discover limitless resources for alchemizing life’s “nightmares” into intuitive guidance, prophecy, and joy.

Exploring your dreams opens the door to a new connection with yourself, and your powerful capability for inner knowing.


Join me on Facebook Live at the top of the hour! Bring on the Unicorns! 💜


From Fear to Love to Grace❤️