Vincent Genna helps us find peace amid the pieces


Host of the Unity show, Stop Stopping Yourself, focuses his gifts on shining a light on how to heal our hearts when people we love go missing (physically or emotionally).

As a young adult, Vincent Genna suddenly found himself blessed with keen psychic and mediumship abilities—a gift that came with tremendous responsibility. Each time he works with clients, he never forgets that he holds their soul in his hands.

Call in if you'd like a dream interpretation or a psychic reading from Vincent!

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am pst.

Enjoy your Luminous Humanness Inspiration for the Day:


Imagine all the people who most believe in you. Envision your enthusiasts rallied around you. See them, one by one, smiling at you, glowing, and beaming support your way. Now imagine they all flip over a piece of paper with a word or phrase written on it that describes the quality they most love and admire about you: humor, grace, compassion, courage, uniqueness, fun, deep, healer, beautiful, precious, adventurous, hardworking, inspiring, honest, supportive, heroic, gorgeous, honest, reliable, or generous. Breathe in the qualities that describe you and let this pep rally send you onto the field of play.

AFFIRMATION: I let my supporters lift my spirits; the way they see me sends me out into my day in a blaze of glory.


❤️Libras-don't you?


Understanding the Girl with the blue ukulele, with Aspen Matis 💙