What the bleep did you dream last night? I was visited (again) by wolves ๐Ÿ™€ (video)

How many times can a woman be chased by wolves in her dreams...until she becomes one herself?

As you may have heard me share, one of my most recurring dreams is being chased by wolves.

Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes wrote Women Who Run with the Wolves. One of these days I might write the book Women Who Run FROM the Wolves.


If I've learned anything over my 20+ years decoding dreams, it's to mine the gold from recurring dreams, it helps to add a dash of creativity to the mix...especially when the message feels important, yet hard to grasp. So...enjoy this video about my alchemy process with this particular wolf dream.

Enough about me... What did YOU dream about last night?

Share your dream, and Nancy T and I will reflect on what we think it meansโ€ฆand how to lighten your load and put more luminous in your humanness in your new year!

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am pst.


Making sense of dreams! ๐Ÿ˜œ on Facebook live in one hour.


Lynn Andrews, best-selling author of medicine woman joins the show ๐Ÿ˜