Why do I dream of Dead People. 😳

Have you ever wondered:

Why do I dream of dead people?

As a dream expert whose heard it all (many times), this is the most popular question I get asked.

In most instances, people aren't dreaming about their departed loved ones in the act of dying, they’re dreaming about people they love who have died—but are alive and well in the Dreamtime.

My dear friend in dreaming, the amazing Katherine Bell,  from the popular The Dream Journal Radio show on KSQD, will join me as we get to the bottom of this question in more depth on the show today—but in the meantime here’s a tidbit about my answer to the question: 

From my perspective it is pretty simple, they are helping us to come to peace with our mortality—which is one of the most important things we humans can do.

If we come to peace with our transitoriness (a gentle word for the fact that at some point our human self will go back to the earth—another gentle word for death) and the transitoriness of everything and everyone would hold dear in the physical realm, then we can live more robustly with more boldness and joy as if each day, hour, minute, second were all the last.

That's all.

Oh yes, besides reminding us that life is always alive, the spirit and soul of our beloveds are still intact--just as we will be--these dreams are giving us an opportunity to build our own bridge from here to the hereafter.

Listen in for more!

Join us LIVE - from 12 -1 pm PST (3 pm EST)

Katherine Bell, my buddy in dreamwork, is a Dream Coach and the founder of Experiential Dreamwork. Her life has been deepened and enriched through her personal dreamwork, and she is passionate about helping you become more truly you by tuning into the insights that your nightly dreams offer. She has facilitated Dream Groups for over 20 years and has been a Dream Coach for 9. 

Katherine is the host and creator of the podcast "The Dream Journal", which originates as a weekly hour-long live radio show featuring interviews with dream experts to spread information about the power of our nightly dreams. She lives in the Bonny Doon mountains near Santa Cruz, California.  www.ExperientialDreamwork.com


Ever wonder how dreams are made? Answers here!


I can see what you're Thinking! 😳