Dream-a-festing Quiz

Learn the Secret

to Allowing Your (nighttime)

Dreams to Manifest

Your (daytime) Desires

Dream-a-festing Quiz

We humans are always materializing in some way, shape, or form. That’s the nature of life here on earth. We do it by either Manifesting, Womanifesting or Dreamafesting. This quiz is designed to support you in raising awareness of your style of creating results in your life. With these insights in mind, you’ll create a more personal relationship with the contents of this book so it can help you become an even better Dreamafestor than you already are.

If you’re like most people, you’ll relate to more than one answer, or neither one exactly. For the purposes of this self-assessment, simply choose the statement that most closely resonates with your life experience today.

1. Dreams

A. I rarely remember dreams. Besides, I don’t have time for such indulgences. From the moment I wake up, I’m full-speed ahead, focused on the day.

B. I only pay attention to the dreams that won’t leave me alone. If a dream is important, it will come back to me when I’m driving or taking a shower.

C. I often remember my nighttime dreams. Most mornings, I take note of them in my journal, whether or not they’re vivid, since I believe every dream has value.

2. Spirituality

A. I put my faith in what I can see, feel, and quantify.

B. “Help me, God,” is my primary prayer. I trust God will come to my rescue if I pray hard enough.

C. I know the universe is on my side, even when things don’t go my way.

3. Creating Results

A. To make what I need happen in my life, I have to work hard and vigorously stick to my plans.

B. I prefer to wait until the planets align, someone helps me, or I’m in a flow state before making a move.

C. I’m a willing channel for wisdom, beauty, and creativity to passionately express through me.

3. Creating Results

A. To make what I need to happen in my life, I have to work hard and vigorously stick to my plans.

B. I prefer to wait until the planets align, someone helps me, or I’m in a flow state before making a move.

C. I’m a willing channel for wisdom, beauty, and creativity to passionately express through me.

4. Money

A. Even when there's plenty in my account, I never feel I have enough.

B. I’d rather not think about money. I find it too stressful.

C. I always seem to have what I need on time and in time, even during challenging times. Material wealth is only one way I measure success.

5. Home

A. I am particular about where thing goes and how they are arranged.

B. I wish somebody would clean and decorate my house for me.

C. I consider my home a sanctuary, a womb of nourishment for me and my guests.

6. When I’m Triggered

A. I freak out, therefore I am. I’m prone to anger. This often moves people into action to fix what’s broken.

B. I either retreat, shut down, or cry loudly to engender sympathy or help. I have the right to express my emotions.

C. I pause, take a breath, and call on my higher self to provide guidance, so as to release my upset in a responsible way that doesn’t inflict more damage.

7. Receiving support

A. I prefer to be the one with the answers; the one who gives support. It's uncomfortable to be on the receiving end of people’s generosity.

B. Even though I'm capable of taking care of myself, I feel loved when people come to my rescue.

C. Giving and receiving are like breathing. I graciously receive support when I need it and pay it forward when the moment presents itself.

8. Accomplishments

A. My wins earn me social status, so it's important to me that people acknowledge my successes.

B. I don’t like being braggadocios. I often discount my wins and give other people credit for the good things that come into my life.

C. It takes a team to fulfill a dream. I happily celebrate my success as a way of acknowledging my collaborators and to inspire others about what is possible.

9. Overcoming Adversity

A. I keep my struggles to myself, presenting an appearance that I’m fine, even when I’m not.

B. I wear my pain on my sleeve. I want people to know I’m having a hard time, so they’ll give me a break. If I’m too happy, they’ll want something from me I can’t deliver.

C. When life is stormy, I keep calm and stay connected to the wisdom of my higher power via dreams, that always shows me how to navigate the challenges I face.

10. Relationships with Friends/Family/Co-workers

A. It’s up to me set up social engagements and keep the fire blazing in my relationships.

B. People often disappoint me. If they really love me they know where to find me.

C. Since everyone in my sleeping and waking dreams is a mirror of myself, they show me where I’m thriving, and where I have work to do.

11. Intimate Relationships

A. I don't mind making the first move; initiating is empowering.

B. I wish the people closest to me would place my needs above their own. I drop hints about my preferences, but don’t want to have to spell out what I need.

C. Because I authentically give and joyously receive with an open heart, I often feel marvel at the wonderful people in my life.

12. Conflicts in Relationships

A. If it takes staying up all night to make sure that I’ve been heard and understood, then that's what must be done.

B. At the first sign of trouble, I look for the exit ramp.

C. Misalignment with my beloveds, though painful, is an opportunity to learn, grow, and possibly deepen our connection. 

What are you learning about yourself?

Add up your score based on how many A, B and Cs you have:

Which letter do you have the most of?

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