Are you burned out 😩?

Are you...

  • Burned out?

  • Overworked and underpaid?

  • Overserved and under-recognized?

  • Is your oxygen mask hanging off your ear, not quite attached to your mouth, while you’re trying to adjust everyone else’s masks?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are an earth angel--hard-wired for service.

But if the service equation doesn’t include YOU, then you’re cruisin’ for a spiritual bruisin’.

Because so many people in my life (myself include), are burning out right now, I reached out to the brilliant Anne Bérubé, Ph.D., to help me/us out. She’s the author of the newly released The Burnout Antidote.

Anne’s message is for anyone who over-gives and depletes themselves in the process of serving their families, clients, patients, or communities.

In our conversation, Anne will help us access our innate capacity to heal and will show us how burnout can become a gateway to embodied wisdom, vitality, and limitless spiritual energy.


I know, it sounds crazy, but it’s true!

I can’t wait for this conversation…

We’ll take your questions about this topic (and dreams, of course) in the second half of the show.

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am pst.


Let's Chat 🍮: How To Interpret Your Dreams in 15 minutes 😍


Shhh…don’t let them know how psychic you really are 😳