Let's Chat 🍮: How To Interpret Your Dreams in 15 minutes 😍

Did you have a strange dream last night? That's not unusual. Every dream is noteworthy and may contain information you need to manifest your greatest daytime desires. Join me as I help you learn the meaning of your dreams.

What you will learn:

  • Learn a quick, easy formula to decode your dreams.

  • Discover what your dreams are trying to tell you.

  • How to use this information in your waking life.

Let’s Chats are open conversations where participants can introduce themselves to one another, share stories and unmute to ask questions. For the comfort level for all in attendance, we request that all have your camera and microphone on at least to introduce yourself. This session will not be recorded or live streamed. It is only open to those that register and come to zoom.

When: Monday, February 21st @ 7pm Eastern (6pm Central // 4pm Pacific)


I am my emotions…not! 😫


Are you burned out 😩?