Do you dream of becoming a DreamWorker? (video) 😍

As I'm gearing up for my birthday in a few days (birthdays last all month long for us Leos 🦁🥳), since it feels better to give than to receive, I thought I'd offer you a dreamy present 🎁 :

An $800 discount on my upcoming DreamWork Practioner Training...when you register by the 8/8 (Lion's Gate). Scroll down for more!

Here are my questions to see if DreamWork Practioner Training is for you:

  • Are you a natural problem solver?

  • Do people confide in you their deepest secrets and dreams?

  • Do you genuinely seek to bring out the best in people?

Become a Certified DreamWork Practitioner and increase your earning potential while making a positive difference in people’s lives.

Live Video Training Starts

Thursday, September 1st, 2022

If you can’t make it live, no worries.

After each class, video and audio recordings will be available to download and watch anytime.

DreamWork Practioner Training (DWPT) empowers coaches to work with and hold space for dreams and dreamers of all faiths and spiritual paths, to awaken and dream-a-festlives of divine inspiration, empowered intention, and unabashed freedom.

In this 3-part journey for rediscovering, nurturing, and unearthing your soul’s wildness via your dreams.

I’ll guide you...

  • through the basics of dreamwork

  • followed by tools for dream reflection/interpretation

  • ultimately we'll explore the deeper, more soulful, spiritual principles that reside at its roots.

In this course, you’ll set a Dream Declaration to set your intention for what you want to create, become, and dream-a-fest in your life and in your coaching practice.

You’ll learn my JET SET dream work process to entice your dreams to reveal their secrets, to empower you (and your clients) to awaken to your most enlivened self.

You’ll learn to follow signs and synchronicities as you become attuned to the Art of Navigation.

You’ll learn to embrace your inner sub-personalities as you master a fear-to-fuel alchemy formula for moving beyond the shackles of the past.

You’ll be guided through powerfully revealing meditations and dream work practices that lift the veil on your own resistance to change, inviting your soul’s wildness to emerge from the depths and light your way forward.

You’ll uncover the purpose of nightmares, uncomfortable dreams, and strange dream reclaim and transform suppressed energy into rocket fuel for your self-realization.

Ultimately, you'll explore the realm of lucid dreaming and lucid living to access the Human 2.0 version of your life…and the lives of your clients.

DreamWork is SoulWork—when we learn to interpret our dreams, and the events of our waking dream (aka our lives), from the soul’s perspective, our wildness returns as a result our lives become more luminous.

I’ve guided thousands of dreamers through the light and shadows of their dreams to their fullest potential and wholeness…and I can’t wait to do the same for you.

To become a Certified Dream Work Practitioner and co-create a life of divine inspiration, empowered intention, and unabashed freedom, join me on this inspiring dream work journey:

How it Works:

  • When: Starting Thursdays, Sept 1st, 2022, 4-6 pm PST we'll meet via Zoom

  • Module 1 (Basics) is 8-weeks (Sept. 1st-Oct. 27th, from 4-6 pm PST (7-9 pm EST)

  • Module 2 (Advanced) is 7-weeks (Nov. 3rd- Dec. 22nd, from 4-6 pm PST) (7-9 pm EST)

  • Module 3 (mastery) an intensive weekend, Jan. 7-8th

Are you ready to dream yourself into your wildest and most wonderful expression?

Whether you want to hang your shingle as a Dream Work Practitioner, or simply to have more skill regarding dream work in your personal life, with friends and family, you will emerge from this course as an awakened dreamer who makes a mighty difference in their life, in their community, and on the planet.

“Though we appear to be sleeping, there's an inner wakefulness that directs the dream...that will eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are.” ~Rumi


My lion’s 🦁 gate birthday gift 🎁 to you-make your dream of writing a book come true? 👏


I'm in tears re: 10 Keys to Happiness ❤️with Amy Newmark (video)😍