My lion’s 🦁 gate birthday gift 🎁 to you-make your dream of writing a book come true? 👏

Cue Natasha Bedingfield's Unwritten!

It's my birthday (woot woot) and according to astrologists, it's the LION'S GATE (a powerful manifesting portal is open) I thought I'd offer you a dreamy gift (see below) worth over $1.5k!


Do you have a book in you, but you're afraid you lack the:

  • Discipline to write on a consistent basis?

  • Confidence to believe your story is worth telling?

  • Support to write during bouts of uncertainty?

  • Belief that once it is written anyone will buy it?

As an author, I totally relate to ALL OF THE ABOVE (and more)—yet, somehow, I cracked the code, going from having ZERO BELIEF IN MYSELF to having written 8 best-selling books, two journals, and four oracle decks...and a new book coming out in January.

IN SPITE of having to wrestle with my inner critic, saboteur, and scaredy-cat (a.k.a. The Not-So Holy Trinity that likes to gang up on me all at once) I’ve figured out the formula for getting books written …and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Here’s a secret: I didn’t do it all by myself.

I’ve had great mentors along the way.

And in my upcoming course, I will introduce them to YOU!

How it Works:

When: Starting Tuesday, Sept 6, 2022-May 9th, 2023.

We meet as a group via zoom, once a week on Tuesdays, for two hours over the course of nine months (with holidays and a few other days off).

By signing up for the class, you agree to do your part, which is:

Write (and/or edit) one page a day. This does not have to be a finished work of art—not at all—it can be a scribble, a doodle of a poodle eating strudel…it can be blah blah blah…just write a page a day toward your project and show up for our weekly inspiration sessions.

  • 1 page a day

  • for 9 months

  • = 270 pages



Stop 🛑 relying on others to tell you what to do! Time to grow your own psychic gifts!


Do you dream of becoming a DreamWorker? (video) 😍