Dreams that raise the (church) roof 🙏 on Facebook live!

I know, I know... the subject of "God" is loaded for many of us. As a former Catholic, I can relate. If you follow this blog and my radio show (on Unity) you know I'm not a bible thumper --waaaay more spiritual than religious.

However, over the years I've met a handful of clergy who have blown my mind, in that they have discovered the mystical side of their faith through the power of their own, personal dreams.

Today, I'm excited to share one of these (special) people with you. A Presbyterian pastor who work with their dreams to uplevel his walk with God...you're going to LOVE him!

On the show today, we'll explore...

  • How our faith can grow our dreams?

  • How our dreams can grow our faith?

  • What the Bible say about dreams?

Geoff Nelson is a spiritual director and retired Presbyterian pastor living in Whittier, California. He has forty years of experience working with his own dreams and twelve years of experience leading dream groups in churches and other settings. His DM in dissertation addressed the benefits and challenges of conducting dream groups in local churches, and he completed his training as a spiritual director at San Francisco Theological Seminary.

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am pst.


My ass was exposed (in my dream) 😳... join me live to explore what it means.


This tool for de-stressing rocks! Meet me on Facebook Live!