My ass was exposed (in my dream) 😳... join me live to explore what it means.

There’s a part of me--the conservative blushes easily part--- that can’t believe I’m sharing this (video) about this dream out loud, in public.

And you may have already heard me share this dream from a few years ago. I’m sharing it because I was told by several teary-eyed people that the dream, and the subsequent story I wrote about it, could be helpful …in particular, women, who relate to having “the disease to please.”


I’m winning an award, on a public stage—the award is for being the best “People Pleaser” in the world. My award is a dress. I’m told I must change into it…on stage in front of everyone. Being modest, I turned my back to the stage and tried to wiggle into the dress…only it was too tight, and the zipper got stuck…right at my bare derrière!

On the show today, I’ll talk about this nightmare and how I was called to practice what I preach:

  1. A Nightmare is an unfinished dream.

  2. There’s no such thing as a bad dream.

  3. The dream ain’t over until you’ve redirected it to an empowering conclusion.

The next day after this dream (in waking reality) I was at the International Association for the Study of Dreams (IASD) conference in Southern California…in the wrong workshop. I intended in being in a shamanic dream group…but ended up in a lecture on covert dream sharing.

“Shit! I’m in the wrong place!” I inwardly exclaimed.

Just as I was plotting my escape, a bearded man walked to the front of the room, and locked eyes with me…his baritone voice lulled me in as he sang an old spiritual “I’m Just a Poor Wayfaring Stranger…” and his mischievous eyes twinkled and beguiling smile were so mesmerizing…I heard myself saying, “He’s a trickster…maybe he is the shaman I came here to meet…funny…a real shaman would never introduce themselves to you as a shaman…they’d be sneakier than that. Hmmm…maybe I’m supposed to be here, after all.”

I relaxed in my seat and listened with rapt attention as the bearded mischief-maker shared with us his method of dreamwork, which was a million miles from what I was accustomed to. In his CREEI process, I learned to take a dream, and instead of talking out loud about it, we were instructed to take inventory of it by writing CREEI across the top of a sheet of paper. Each of the letters in CREEI represents categories in which to evaluate our dream: Clarity, Responsiveness, Emotion, Expression, and Interaction.

All I know is that about halfway through the workshop, the light bulbs began flashing over my head. At first one at a time, and then in rapid succession…so much so, that I began to cry, then laugh, at the same time. As much as I tried to be polite and keep this experience to myself, Eugene took notice.

I apologized, “Sorry to distract from the class, I’m just bursting with insight about this dream and what it’s trying to show me.”

Awe-struck, I was amazed at the fact that just an hour earlier I’d accidentally walked into a class I didn’t want to attend, carrying a burdensome dream I didn’t want to admit was mine… and I walked out feeling ten feet tall. I was flooded with gratitude for my blessed mistake because I was flush with empowerment by the CREEI process, my dream…and this amazing bearded man!

After the workshop, I had the blessing of engaging in an impromptu conversation with Eugene and was mesmerized by his stories and thunderstruck by what a truly remarkable human being he is. His gifts of wisdom, depth, and intuition can only be matched by his humor and warmth.

On the show today, I hope you open your heart and mind to experiencing him and his work as I have.

P.S. Because my experience with CREEI was so impactful, I later wrote a poem about the dream I brought to the workshop. If you care to see my soul X-Ray (aka dream)—clearly, I’m NOT the secretive type.

No Ifs, Ands or BUTTs!

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am pst.


The Blessings of a Dark Night of the Soul


Dreams that raise the (church) roof 🙏 on Facebook live!