Dying for Dia de los Muertos 💀

"To die, to sleep; To sleep, perchance to dream—For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause, there's the respect, That makes calamity of so long life” ~Shakespere

The last couple of COVID years have been the "dying-est." Never before have Dana and I had to say goodbye to more friends and family members...and most recently, our precious chihuahua, Lola.

The night before she passed, I had a dream she took off her dog suitand revealed the cosmos— shooting stars, swirling planets, multi-verses. Turns out, in addition to being my constant companion for the past decade, she was a cosmic being the entire time.

In spite of having a (relatively) healthy and empowering relationship with what we'll call "death," I still feel sucker-punched with the discovery that another beloved had bitten the dust...but remembering that we're all cosmic beings in disguise, gives me comfort.

As you may have heard me share, this year I wrote a Dia de los Muertos Oracle Deck (with the amazing Emily Grieves creating original art) that will be out next year. Learning more about this amazing tradition is teaching me to behold the life/death/lifeprocess as normal, natural, and beautiful...not betrayal at all.

Don't get me wrong, I don't know if I'll ever get to the point where I stand and cheer when someone I love dies. But developing a relationship with the Angel of Death, with the help of the mythology that accompanies Dia de los Muertos, is, I believe, one of the most important relationships we can develop, as mortal beings.

With all this said...I hope you'll join me this Monday for a heart healing...

Because of COVID, Chez Leeby, Nancy T, and I will not be doing an in-person gathering in Teotihuacan…but we are looking to reschedule next year, so stay tuned…

Good news:

We are offering a virtual event Monday, Nov. 1st, 5-6:30 pm PST, to celebrate and honor your loved ones on the other side.

Join us as we:

  • Break the stigma that death and dying has to be tragic, and sorrowful.

  • Give back our suffering in exchange for a loving, peaceful, empowering, celebratory relationship with death...and therefore life.

  • Affirm the gift of mortality by no longer taking life for granted, and maximize every moment to be present with the ones we love.


  1. Join the Zoom at 5 pm PST, Monday, Nov 1st (to share your ofrenda—alter):

  2. Join Zoom Meeting: https://bit.ly/3GbtcgM Meeting ID: 323 893 3028 Passcode: dreams

  3. Join us on Facebook Live: facebook.com/KellySullivanWaldenDreams

  4. Make a donation below (that benefits via de Las Campanas in Mexico)


Finally, a show just about your dreams! 👏 😍


Feeling discombobulated, upside down, lost? #me2 😳