Feeling discombobulated, upside down, lost? #me2 😳

At one point or another on life’s long journey, we all grapple with the experience of becoming lost...especially lately, with all the discombobulation triggered by the pandemic. Our sense of identity becomes upended by losing a longtime career or position, letting go of a cherished friend or family member, or we may be faced with our own unexpected health crisis or a major financial loss. These events can pull our reference points right out from under us, leaving us despairing and disoriented.

Like a child in the darkening forest, our best hope is to find our way back to our sense of self…and we need signs and symbols left by another who has been where we are and has found their way back. Laura Fredrickson is such a person; one who has lived through the death of both her parents through suicide, ruinous financial losses, and the loss of deep love in a relationship.

More importantly, she is one who found her way through each of these destabilizing life challenges towards a deeper resiliency and greater flourishing. And to our benefit, she had the presence of mind to take notes along the way, recording her insights and molding them into straightforward explanations and processes to help others navigate similar territory.

What you will find on today's show, will not simply be words or notions, but breadcrumbs, but tools to help you find your way back to yourself when you find yourself lost in life’s many twists and turns. www.laurafredrickson.com

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am PST.


Dying for Dia de los Muertos 💀


Dying for Dia de los Muertos