In One Hour: Experience a guided (dream) meditation video to get in touch with your wildness 😜

Do you have dreams that are bewildering and sometimes even scary?

What if these dreams were a profound spiritual invitation, directly from your soul, to reclaim parts of yourself that you might have left behind due to societal conditioning, fear, or trauma?

And what if by learning a new way to engage these wilder, instinctual dreams, you were able to access more magic, power, and mystery in your life?

If you’re hungry to expand into new possibilities and feel more vital, free, and powerful, you may find the life-changing answers you’ve been searching for by tapping into the wisdom of your dreams.

More than ever, seekers are becoming more attuned to their souls by delving deeply into the practice of dreamwork, which is really a kind of soul work.

TODAY, Wednesday, December 8, AT 5:30 PM PST, in a powerful hour with me, you’ll launch or deepen your journey into Dreamwork. You’ll discover your inner wild woman and man—deep in your heart, beckoning you to be bolder, less afraid, and open to exciting new possibilities.

You can register here for How Dreamwork Can Ignite Your Soul’s Wildness & Reveal Your Boldest, Truest Self

In this 60-minute free online event, you’ll discover:

  • The explanation of what your inner wildness truly is, why it’s such an important part of dreamwork, and how it shows up in your dreams

  • My guided meditation set to music to help you get in touch with your inner wildness — you’ll learn where it’s missing in your life and how it can bring you closer to your true self

  • Ways to work with a tool for dream decoding to discern how your dreams help you make the most of this precious life of yours

  • How the different types of dreams that represent your inner wildness are speaking to you

  • Why it’s so important to notice your resistance to embracing your soul’s inner wildness — and how to activate it in a way that keeps you from hurting anyone

Join us and explore my uniquely feminine approach to Dreamwork as you meet your inner wildness — and gain greater clarity about who you truly are, and how to apply this knowledge to live a more powerful and satisfying life.

You can register here:


Re-Wild 😜 yourself via dreams & your dreaming mind, on Facebook Live in 1 hour


What Did You Dream Last Night? 👀 Today's the day to share it with me