What Did You Dream Last Night? 👀 Today's the day to share it with me

What did you dream last night?

Today's show is all about...YOU! Share your dream and I will tell you what I think it means…and how your dream may be helping you to lighten your load, so you may become (even more) luminous as you express your humanness.

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am PST

Enjoy your Luminous Humanness Inspiration for the Day:


The great avatars of the world—such as Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Mohammad—all said in one way or another, “This and greater things shall ye do.” Let these great souls be your guiding light today, illuminating the path and revealing what you are capable of. Imagine they are with you today, walking with you, supporting you, encouraging you to be more powerful in this world, yet not of it.

AFFIRMATION: I revel in the collective brilliance of the great ones who have gone before me, letting their love take me higher than I could go on my own.

Instead of stuffing your loved one's stockings with the usual tossable trinkets. Give them a gift to light up their life all year long.

When you give the gift of Luminous Humanness, you help your family and friends go, grow, glow into their best year yet...

Now available in:


In One Hour: Experience a guided (dream) meditation video to get in touch with your wildness 😜


Experience a guided (dream) meditation video to get in touch with your wildness 😜