Not sleeping well, not feeling so great 😫, tired, but having vivid dreams?

…let’s talk about how your dreams can help you surf this solar storm with grace. It is a fairly big one.

Nancy T alerted me to this on Facebook. I'm curious if you've been noticing the effects of this solar storm…in addition to the war during a post-pandemic time?

Besides doing what you need to do to ground, hydrate, know the Equinox is around the corner, and according to Aluna Joy Yaxkin, we’re all in finishing school!

“Final touches are being uploaded into you right now, helping you to radiate out from your heart… and attract what resonates with this new, yet unknown or understood energy."

Treat yourself like a baby, seeing the world for the first time. New things are being birthed from you right now. In this wild world, we can’t make sense of all this with our normal thinking…but our dreaming mind can help…

Today's show is all about YOU and your dreams...

Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am pst.


Discover your God Spot, where a cell of the Divine resides inside your body.


Have you seen this little girl singing “Let it Go” in a bomb shelter in Ukraine?