Have you seen this little girl singing “Let it Go” in a bomb shelter in Ukraine?

Watch this before you read the rest...

As I said last week, in the midst of such an enormous crisis, it's hard to know what to do, how to be, where to go, and what to make of all this.

If there was something you could do to end the war in Ukraine, you would do it.

I've made a list of things within our grasp to do. If you've got other suggestions, please send them to me, and I'll extend this list each week. Here’s what I've got so far:

1. End the war within ourselves, by loving ourselves and loving each other more.

2. Incubate a dream each, asking the dream-maker, God/Goddess, the powers that be, “What is the best use of me?”

3. Learn more about our Ukrainian brothers and sisters. Here are a couple of videos:

SNL's cold open featured the Ukrainian Chorus Dumka of New York singing "Prayer for Ukraine."

This Ukranian soccer player moved to tears by the audience

4. Make a donation

5. Marie Forlio suggested to use the Etsy search function to find sellers specifically in Ukraine who sell digital products

6. Pray to God/Goddess, All that is, Dream-maker Extraordinaire,

With the love in our hearts…

Let us release our fear so that we can open up to the sunlight of the spirit of the best and most healthy, holographic outcome for all.

Let us wrap our hearts around the people of Ukraine and all people affected by this war.

Let us beam rays of healing light to the Ukrainian people.

Let us heal the war within ourselves and declare a ceasefire.

Let us love what is most unlovable within ourselves.

Let us allow this war and the surrounding circumstances to be a springboard, catapulting us toward our greatest awakening on the planet, and in our own individual lives.

Let us be beacons of peace, beyond what we’ve ever known possible… now and forever to the ends of this earth and beyond… and so it is...

Amen, A-women, A-dreams, and A-Ukraine!


Not sleeping well, not feeling so great 😫, tired, but having vivid dreams?


(Live)With all that's happening in Ukraine 😪