(Live)With all that's happening in Ukraine 😪

I know we're all in a state of shock. I know I am. It's hard to know what to say. My heart is broken for the Ukrainian people, and they are in my heart and prayers, non-stop.

I notice when the bleep hits the fan if I don't immediately have a sense of what I can do to fix it, helplessness creeps in which feels horrible… followed by a sense of wanting to discount what's happening or worse, separate myself from it.

But what if we could (what if I could) just sit with the helplessness, sit with the pain, be with it until a solution presents itself. Even if it doesn't fix everything. There is a limited amount of what we can do on the physical plane (except to make appropriate donations), but what if there’s much we can do on the metaphysical level?

On the show today, I'll interview RJ Spina to help us out...he'll talk about..

Supercharged Self-Healing--the new paradigm of self-healing. It captures RJ Spina’s revolutionary Ascend The Frequencies Healing Techniquethat he invented to verifiably overcome permanent chest-down paralysis and severe chronic illness. These new understandings and consciousness-expanding meditations supercharge and command the body’s self-repair and self-healing program in ways never thought possible. Supercharged Self-Healing has already profoundly changed the health and lives of countless people. It combines authentic higherconsciousness metaphysics and never-before accessed levels of metaphysics into practical, actionable, and easily repeatable protocols.

RJ currently lives in San Diego, CA, and has recently started his non-profit, Human Advancement Through Higher Consciousness. He teaches revolutionary self-healing and self- realization courses, performs energy healings and counsels people worldwide.



Listen live on Unity Online Radio, today! 10-11 am pst.


Have you seen this little girl singing “Let it Go” in a bomb shelter in Ukraine?


I am my emotions…not! 😫