On TV with nothing on but my jammies (from the waist down) 😜

One of the blessings of zoom is the ability to travel the country, promoting my book, wearing nothing…but PJ's (from the waist down.)

It reduces my stage fright during TV interviews when I get to wear my uggs and oh-so-cozy jammies.

But, apparently, one must wear actual clothes when one gives an in-person speech...and that's what I did last weekend, after all these COVID years of uggs, jammies, and yoga pants…and I was FREAKIN’ NERVOUS!  

The night before I left, I asked for a dream to help me. I dreamed about a diver/bungee-chord jumper, diving off a cliff as he screamed in terror.

There was a blonde woman (hello, likely me), on the edge of the cliff, talking to the news camera saying: “Don't worry. He always does this. He'll be fine. This is just what he does.

Then, sure enough, he dove and landed back up on the top of the cliff, without a scrape.

This dream told me to feel the fear (and scream my freakin' head off) and show up anyway.

When I arrived at my hotel, I noticed divers everywhere…from the statue in the front of the hotel--to the towel racks to the painting over the bed where I slept (see below!)

My dreams were talking…and I was listening. This synchronicity strangely (or not so strangely) I took it to mean I, like the diver, yes, I was over the edge of my comfort zone...but I'd be ok…

And I was. The talk went great (hallelujah)—in fact, one of my heroes was in the audience (that wasn’t nerve-wracking at all) and he hugged me afterward and congratulated me on doing a great job…he even mentioned that we should do a program together. 


Take it from me—our dreams are ALWAYS trying to help us work out our fears, so we can more gracefully take risks from the cliff’s edge of our lives.

And, as Rev. Michael Beckwith says:

If you’re not living on the edge…

you’re taking up too much room! 

Speaking of edge, if you live in the LA area, join me IRL (in real life) for an in-person event, SATURDAY, March 25th, 2-4 pm, at the amazing Noble Souls Gallery in Malibu, for a dream circle and discussion about how to transform Tragic2Magic.

I’ll wear clothes from the waist down, I promise :)


What do our sexual dreams mean? 😳 🛌


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