Stalking the Dream 😜

Life Isn’t About Waiting for The Storm to's about learning to Dance in The Rain. ~Annonymous

Do you suffer from WOPT(What Other People Think) with no vision for yourself or of what you want to do or be in this world—moving through your days, reacting to each relationship, circumstance, or situation instead of dreaming your own into being?

Well, those days are OVER!

Bye to the bye!

It’s time to STALK YOUR DREAM!

To help us do this, I’ve invited the amazing Vicki Dobbs, author of the amazing new book, Get Off the Shelf) to the show to re-mind me and you to take your most passionate dream off the shelf and LIVE IT!

On the show, we’ll talk about instead of being passive receivers, via both types of dreams (the nocturnal ones and the ones we have by day) we’ll learn to actively pursue, hunt, stalk and claim them our greatest passion.

Watch us on Facebook LIVE, TODAY at 12pm PST.


I'm in tears re: 10 Keys to Happiness ❤️with Amy Newmark (video)😍


When all else fails, scream😡...or pray like a MOFO!🙏