When all else fails, scream😡...or pray like a MOFO!🙏

I don't know about you, but when I heard about the overturning of Roe v. Wade, all I've been wanting to do is primal scream!

It was the cherry on top of a multi-layered shit cake, starting with the pandemic, the war in Ukraine, the Robb Elementary School shooting in Uvalde, Texas, the January 6th insurrection hearings (it’s unfathomable that a certain past prez isn’t behind bars right now), and on and on and on...it just feels like way too much to handle… and on the human level, it is.

So what are we mere mortals to do?

Yes we need to vote

Yes we need to march

Yes we need to contact our congress people

And… in the meantime…instead of just stewing in helplessness… besides paying attention to our dreams, we need to pray.

I know I need to. And I’m not just talking about the beseeching God kind of a prayer (please, please, please) like Homer Simpson does so well.

Einstein said (allow me to paraphrase), “You can't solve a problem on the same mind that created the problem.” So, to step up our game and enter the realm of solution consciousness, the only way I know how to access that realm is to pray like a MOFO.

This is why I recently met with the amazing Agapi Stassinopoulos. She’s written a book of prayers for every reason and season.

You're going to LOVE her book, Speaking with Spirit: 52 Prayers to Guide, Inspire, and Uplift You. On the show she shares her intimate #tragic2magic stories, how to make spirit your ally, and how everything is working on behalf of our greatest good.


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