Wanna be my guest ⭐️🤩 for a special dream event tonight?

Who might you be if you absorbed the deepest wisdom from your dreams into your waking life, especially in your area of greatest challenge?

  • What might change for the better if you accessed 100% of your potential through the practice of working with your dreams?

  • What if, as you discover how powerful, resourced, and lovable you truly are, you become a beacon of inspiration for others while drawing to you to the higher caliber relationships and circumstances you most desire to materialize?

All major religions and spiritual paths began with a dream or vision. Even though they spanned time and cultures, these dreams had these core tenants in common:

  • They opened a portal to wisdom, insight, and direction about the meaning of life.

  • They provided a context for making sense of death.

  • These revelations impacted not only the one receiving the dream but many people.

“…and greater works than these will he do… ” ~ John 14:12

Just as Jesus, Muhammad, Krishna, Buddha, and the many other avatars and shamans who walked and still walk the planet, you too are a dreamer. This is not grandiose, but a humble fact. Your ability to dream and carry dream wisdom with you into the ordinary world puts you in league with the great ones who came before. The question is, will you pay attention to these dreams or shrug them off saying, “Huh, that was weird.”

Even if you’ve been in a dream drought, or have a hard time remembering your dreams, it is scientifically proven that you have 3 to 9 big dreams every night. The issue is never whether you dream, it is whether you remember your dreams.

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Improve dream recall

  • Interpret your remembered dreams

  • Dream-a-fest to allow your dreams to do heavy lifting of manifesting your dream life

According to the American Hypnosis Association, our conscious, logical mind represents 12% of our mind’s power, while our subconscious dreaming mind is 88%, which for most people remain untapped. When you Dream-a-fest, you create a bridge from the conscious to the unconscious, human to the spiritual, visible to the invisible for a whole-brained experience.

In this FREE online event, you’ll learn how to set a Dream Declaration (an intention for what you want to create, become, and dream-a-fest in your life) and my 6-Step (JET SET) dream interpretation formula to crack the dream code.

Plant Your Field of Dreams

Tonight, Monday, April 15, 7:oo pm est

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 815 9653 6216

Passcode: 825265

A suggested love offering of $20 or more is recommended to support the Temple programs.

Click here to Donate

As a Nonprofit 501c-3 religious organization, The Interfaith Temple depends on your support to cover operating expenses and keep our programming available to all.

Your generous open-hearted donations are tax-deductible in the U.S.


The reviews made me cry 😭


Feeling the crash ⚡️🫨 after an ecstatic dream?