What Porky Pig 🐷 and I have in common besides our fondness for mud?

It's been a whirlwind since my book (A Crisis Is A Terrible Thing to Waste) came out a week and a half ago.

I've had the blessing of doing lots of media interviews, including some on the East Coast, quite early in the morning.

I must admit, I'm not my best early in the morning.

See for yourself--no laughing plz!

Here's an interview I did on Daily Flash where I just can't get my words out—kind of like my old friend Porky Pig from my Looney Tunes childhood.

Note to self: Must have coffee under my belt before doing interviews!

Ok, just to make myself feel a little better, here are a few other interviews where I didn't stumble quite so badly (because there were recorded at a civilized time—after 3 pm!)


The cave we fear to enter 🏴‍☠️ holds the treasure 👑 we seek


It's a Bestseller (thanks to You 💗)