You are invited to the Author's Showcase finale--tomorrow night!πŸ“šβœοΈπŸ’—πŸŽ‰

YOU are cordially invited to attend the Author's Showcase, a free online event!

You'll meet five authors I've been coaching over the past few months. This is a milestone moment for them worth celebrating... and it wouldn't be a party πŸŽ‰ if you weren't there!

Tomorrow night, we'll roll out the red carpet, and participants share the first three pages of their book-in-progress in front of family, friends, and a panel of publishing professionals (try saying that 10 times fast!).

We like to think of it as the American Idol of Authors!

Our mottos are:

#WhoNeedsNetflix and #FriendsDontLetFriendsWriteAlone Oh yes, and #WeLikeItRaw

  • 5 Essays 

  • 3 Celebrity Publishing Professionals

  • 1 Night Only

  • Oct. 8, 2024

Here are the deets!

Tuesday: October 8th, 4-6 pm PDT, 6-8 pm CDT, 7-9 pm EDT


Meeting ID: 839 1381 7281

Passcode: dreams

If you'd like to join the next Author's Showcase and make your DREAM of being an author come true, save $100 on the next round... it's coming up! Don't miss it!


A Nightmare πŸ‘» is a Terrible Thing to Waste (Video)


Fall Equinox, Falling Dreams & The 4 Forces of Flight (That’s a lot of F-words)🀬